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By Odunayo Oluwabukola, Ibadan



The Olubadan Of Ibadanland, Oba Senator Mahood Olalekan Balogun has stated that litigation remains the beauty of democracy in any chieftaincy tussle.

Oba Balogun made the disclosure on Tuesday while receiving newsmen in his Alarere Palace ahead of his 81st birthday celebration.

The monarch while responding to question on why chieftaincy matters are always occasioned by litigations in some part of Yorubaland said, “it is a good development, as long as democracy is existing, litigation would continue to be a means that injustices can be addressed.”

Olubadan further said, “litigation is a process where you can express your emotions or ill-feelings about any issues in court of law and get justice over perceived injustice against you.”

“Litigation remains a very good avenue to tackle any irregularities or injustice process in our society today.” Olubadan said.

While commenting on the role of oracle (Ifa) as a tradition in the selection of kings in Yorubaland, Oba Olalekan said, “Oracle remains the best option in picking who will occupy the throne, but this action varies, depending on traditions of each town.”

The monarch while praying for better progress of the Ibadan land, Oyo State and Nigeria at large, predicted bigger Ibadan, adding that as long as history exists, Ibadan will continue to exist.

Oba Olalekan said, “I envisaged very much bigger Ibadan, as much as history remains, Ibadan will continue to exist , I envisage a peaceful, progressive and prosperous Ibadan, Ibadan is a work in progress, so I want our people to be expecting more good things.”

Oba Moshood Balogun who studied overseas for his first, second and third degrees applauded the Almighty God for enabling him to attain wealth, health and successful monarchial reign since year 2021 of crowning.

He said, “God has been so wonderful to me, what else should I ask for?, I have built houses, God has done uncountable blessings for me and He’s still doing it because I’m still alive, there is nothing I asked for that he has not done for me, so I’m so grateful to him for going this far.”

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