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Oyo NuJ Press Week begins with Thanksgiving At Ilaji Resort, As Cleric Charges Journalists On Need To Educate Masses To Vote For Credible Leader

By Kazeem Awojoodu, Ibadan

Journalists have been charged on need to educate masses on who to vote into power.

Naijanewshub.com.ng reports that journalists have been charged to sensitize masses on the need for them to vote into power credible leaders who will move Nigeria forward.

Pastor Samuel Awobode the presiding Pastor of Ilaji Hotel and Resort Chapel, on Sunday, made the call at a Thanksgiving Service to kickstart the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Oyo Council 2022 Press Week.

The Church Thanksgiving Service was a precursor to a week-long array of activities planned for the 2022 Oyo NUJ Press Week.

In his words of advise to the media professionals, Pastor Samuel Awobode noted that journalists had roles to play in nation-building and charged them not to rest on their oars while pursuing this duty.

He said, “Journalists have roles to play in educating the people on who to vote for, you all have role to play because this is our dear country, don’t do instigating journalism, do investigative journalism, because when the dire is scarce some of those men will leave Nigeria and travel abroad but all of us have no where to run to, we will be here with our families, it is on this note I’m charging you to be part of the new Nigeria, Nigeria is our own and we must build it together, there is no place we are leaving this country for, for it is ours.”

“Journalists should educate the masses on who and who to vote for, they should not vote into power anybody that will take us back will, life must be meaningful to us all including the journalists, what is the essence in taking a peanut for self interest, when majority are going to suffer for it later.”

“Organize press debate, let people come out and tell us what they want to do for us, Nigeria must be liberated, I’m a father of all of the politicians.

“As a journalists please ensure the masses vote for leaders that will move our country forward, we need credible leaders that will move this country to a greater height and it is our hope that you as journalists are going to sensitize Nigerians to see the need for them to vote in credible leaders into our various political offices.” Pastor Samuel said.

In his sermon tagged, “Flying Above All Circumstances”, Pastor Samuel made use of the scriptures 1st Corinthians Chapter 10 to back up his sermon.

He said, “As human being we are bound to face different challenges and temptations in our journey of life, these might be a stumbling stones in getting to our destiny land, some are coming to lift us to our destination, while some are coming to consume us, but above all our God is a faithful God and he has designed for us to be at our destination.”

“First we cannot change the will of God, we cannot change the love of God, you cannot change the words of God, you cannot change the convenant of God.”

“Whatever challenges you are passing through right now will also past away, but you must chech your relationship with God, some when they have problems they will forget God, some when they are enjoying life they will forget God, but whatever you’re passing through now don’t brush God aside because He will see you through.”

“Some people when they get to position they will start treating their people with disdain but they should remember that that moment will still pass away, we should not be wary in doing good. I Have the believe that all things work better for good, even if you’re passing through a terrible situation right now there is a reason for it, so don’t be discouraged when your are passing through hard times for good times are coming to you.”

“Keep on moving, don’t quit, because quitters don’t win, winners don’t quit, we need grace of God to succeed, so no circumstance should block you from God, don’t be part of people that says God don’t answer prayers, always believe that to the glory of God you shall succeed in your endeavours, don’t comprise your faith and don’t neglect your God because of you have done that Satan will take over your life and if this happens Satan will destroy you. Please don’t take shortcut to success in your profession, your time will come at appropriate time, at the said time that God has designed for you.” The Clergy man said.

The state NUJ Chairman, Comrade Ademola Babalola in his words thank God for lives of NUJ members.

He said, “We thanks God for our lives, we thank Him for keeping us till this moment, that we are still standing tall to the glory of God because we started this three years ago and within that three years we have experienced the outbreak of global covid-19 and that really affected the whole world, many lives were lost, some lost their breadwinners but to the glory of God we are still here today, I know this is a grace and privilege from God.”

“This event is annual one, last year we were host by Pastor Abiara, but we thank God that we are here today and we thank Him for keeping us till today and we pray to witness more of this in good health.”

“Today is a symbolic day as Baba is celebrating another milestone of his age, Otunba Engr. Dotun Sanusi will be celebrating his 56th birthday tomorrow, Engr. Sanusi is an enigma, he is a man that believed in sovereignty of Nigeria, this is a great man that believe that wealth must be distributed greatly to the people, Baba Sanusi is a blessing not only to Ibadanland but to the entire Yoruba race.” Ademola said.

Engr. Dotun Sanusi the Chief Executive Officer of Ilaji Hotel and Resort in his words urged Nigerians to be kind and good to their neighbours.

He said, “None of us is more righteous, none of us is a saint, whatever God gives you,.it’s meant to serve humanity, Aseyin was a very close friend of mine during his lifetime, the state PCRC chairman is my friend, I was briefed that he just passed away this morning, Engr. Muriana is my friend he passed on not quite long, some have been born today and they die today, nobody knows when it will be his or her turn, so whatever you have please try to use it to serve humanity, by doing so I believe we are already serving God.”

“I have been ordered by God to celebrate my birthday with the less privilege and the downtrodden in my vicinity and whoever wants to celebrate with me should come here tomorrow so we can celebrate with them together for that is exactly where God has directed me to do my birthday.

“God has given journalists talent to make live more easier to the masses by reporting the ills of the society to the government for proper and adequate attention, you all see the road that you passed through while coming here, please write about what history will talk about you. Baba Awolowo has written his own story while alive, today he’s no more but he left behind great history, so I’m using this occasion to advise you to write a good history, though some of you are already writing thier own history today, some are painting white to be black, while some are painting black white, so whatever you are doing let your conscience judge you right.”

“Doing good is beyond carrying the Bible, nor about carrying Quran, but be good an kind to humanity, whatever you do God will remain God and He will judge us all accordingly at appropriate time.” Sanusi said.

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