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President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has voiced his apprehension regarding the lamentable condition of the nation’s local government system. He emphasized that the state of affairs at the grassroots level has significantly contributed to developmental setbacks and hindered efforts to address prevailing national security threats.

The President, addressing a one-day national discourse on Nigeria’s security challenges and good governance at the local government levels, emphasized the critical role of good governance in fostering development and reducing conflict across all levels of government.

In a statement delivered by the Minister of Defence, Abubakar Badaru, the President emphasized the importance of effective governance in tackling internal challenges like terrorism, insurgency, and communal violence.

Also, he said further that absence of good governance leads to widespread corruption, political instability, economic disparities and social unrest which not only undermine human security by depriving individuals of their basic needs, but also is a significant threat to national security by fostering conditions conducive for complete, complex and extremism.

The President said “Sadly, the state of our local government system in Nigeria is a cause of concern, as its degradation, and incapacitation have continued significantly and has contributed significantly to our developmental setback and our inability to effectively address the prevailing national security threat.

“In addition, he emphasized that the absence of effective governance leads to rampant corruption, political turmoil, economic disparities, and social unrest. These not only jeopardize individual well-being by depriving them of basic necessities but also pose a considerable threat to national security by fostering conditions conducive to extremism.

The President lamented, ‘Regrettably, the deteriorating state of our local government system in Nigeria is a cause for concern. Its degradation and incapacitation have significantly contributed to our developmental setbacks and hindered our ability to address the prevailing national security challenges effectively.”

“We find ourselves trapped in a paradoxical situation where the very areas most affected by security classes are rendered powerless and unable to mount any meaningful resistance or defense.

“Local governments are the frontline defenders against insecurity, as they are closest to the people and possess intimate knowledge of their communities need and challenges. This is why some are advocating for community policing, as a panacea to end security challenges.”

President Tinubu emphasized that the enduring challenges to our national security continue to jeopardize our safety and well-being as a nation. He underscored the persistent threat posed by insurgency, terrorism, banditry, and various forms of criminality, which have inflicted immense suffering and undermined our collective peace and prosperity.

“It is crucial for the nation to squarely face these challenges to progress in our developmental journey. He emphasizes that although numerous measures have been suggested and put into action, it’s clear that safeguarding our people and nation is a joint responsibility, necessitating active involvement from governments at all levels and collaborative efforts from citizens.”

“It’s evident that our rural areas have been plagued by security challenges, causing unrest among our people and disrupting the economy.”

Since taking office, we’ve made notable progress in securing our nation. However, there’s still much to do, especially at the local government level, where these attacks are most prevalent.”

The President task Nigerians to explore the nexus of good governance, human security and national security, adding that three elements are intricately linked, and play very important roles in shaping the stability, prosperity, and overall well being of the nation.

He stressed that the stability and prosperity of any nation, are intricately linked to the quality of its governance, saying “good governance is essential for ensuring that the resources of the nation are managed effectively, productively and transparently.

“When leaders act in the best interests of their citizens, uphold the rule of law and promote accountability, it creates an environment where all individual can thrive. This not only foster economic development, but also enhances social cohesion, or reduce the risks of conflict within a society.”

“A well governance state is better equipped to address internal challenges such as terrorism, insurgency and communal violence. Just through policies and programs that prioritize the well being of the people and ensure that individuals met their basic need, government can mitigate the root cause of conflict and promote peace within their borders.”

“Absence of good governance leads to widespread corruption, political instability, economic disparities and social unrest. These factors not only undermine human security by depriving individuals of their basic needs, but also is a significant threat to national security by fostering conditions conducive for complete, complex and extremism.”

“On the other hand, Homeland Security is intrinsically linked to good governance, as it focuses on protecting individuals from various forms, such as poverty, disease, violence, and environmental degradation.”

“Without adequate human security measures in place, people lives are at a threat and rights violated and their dignity is compromised. It is imperative to recognize that the promotion of human security has emerged as the central focus of new development paradigm.”

“In today’s world, we understand that simply building arms and ammunition does not guarantee peace and security and political stability through national security lies in eradicating hunger, diseases, poverty and unemployment through sustainable development programs.”

“Those factors hold the key to achieving an enduring national security. They will amount to nothing if we do not address the underlying threat of hunger disease, poverty, unemployment, political and economic economical exclusion, and lack of social amenities.”

President Tinubu said further that Local governments, being the closest government to the people are strategically position in promoting human security by delivering essential services like health, education, sanitation and social welfare programs directly to communities where they are most needed.

He said “they are important in ensuring that our communities are safe, prosperous and resilient. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to strengthen our local government system to effectively address those challenges.”

“Empowering local government authority with the necessary resources and capacities to implement sustainable development initiative, we can create a more secure and stable nation.”

“It is imperative to acknowledge that security is fundamentally about human beings, not just the state. After all, it is individuals who make up the state, not the other way around.”

He said his administration was committed to implementing measures aimed at bolstering the local government system, saying “this commitment is deeply rooted in our bottom of development approach.

“Understanding that sustainable development, national security, and prosperity are attainable only through the effective and accountable functioning of every level of government, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the local government system goes beyond mere administrative convenience.”

“Empowering local governments to efficiently and ethically fulfill their mandates is fundamental to our national security architecture. By doing so, we establish a strong foundation for ensuring the safety, stability, and well-being of Nigerians.”



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