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THE 2024 Convention of the Salvation Proclaimers Anointed Church (SPAC) has ended in Ibadan with a declaration to all attendees that they should expect uncommon repositioning in their lives this year as they remain passionate in their service to God.

The General Overseer of the Church, Prophet Samuel Adegboyega who led other anointer ministers during the five-day convention declared that since there is nothing that the mercy of God cannot do, every issues of concern to the people who attended the convention shall get solutions.

Other top ministers of God who ministered during the convention include Pastor Yemi Aduloju of Lighthouse International Christian Centre (LICC), Pastor Gbenga Kotila of Centre for Reality, who was accompanied by Pastor Ayo Jeje and Reverend Dapo Adegboyega from the United Kingdom.

Prophet Adegboyega in one of his messages titled “God’s Fingers for Uncommon Repositioning” admonished the attendees to be obedient to God’s instructions in all ways and at all times, adding that they should not compromise their faith under any circumstance.

He urged them to be desperate in their requests from God, citing Mark10:46-52, where the Blind Bartimeus was able to get his sight restored due to his refusal to back down from his desire.

“Bartimeus was aggressive and filled with faith. He had unwavering belief that his sight could be restored by Jesus Christ and he got his testimony.”

The Prophet said the mercy of God could be got by any faithful believer. He cited Jabez who trusted in God as recorded in 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10.

He however reminded the people of God not to be lazy in the New Year and use their talents to better their lives, stressing that they are expected to cheerfully give their sacrificial substances to the work of God who would reward them adequately.

“Your service to God must be qualitative. Give good offerings and be obedient to Him in all ways as done by Abraham, the father of faith. You will see in turn how God will reward you in the way you do not expect.”

Assuring that God is ready to wipe tears from the faces of people present at the convention if they are faithful to Him, the Prophet declared “you will go home with tears of joy and great testimonies.”

The G.O encouraged the congregants to live by the word of God and be aggressive in their prayers at all times.

Before the convention proper, the General Overseer reiterated the call on the people of God to keep away from all sins, pointing out that sins are obstacles to answered prayers.

He charged them to do whatever it takes to run from sin, saying he has gone as far as placing curses on himself to deter him from toying with sins of sexual immorality as well as other sins that could derail his spiritual life, adding that Joseph did that and he became a reference point.

The grand finale of the five-day program me was held at the International Conference Centre of the University of Ibadan where the General Overseer led a prayer for peace and stability to reign in the country. He advised believers not to curse those in government but should instead pray for them.

Hundreds of people surrendered their lives to Christ during the 2024 annual convention, with Prophet Adegboyega expressing delight that the host of angels are happy and rejoicing in heaven as a result of this.

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