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2023 will be a breakthrough year for Nigeria,” says Shina Peller


By Our Reporter

Hon. Shina Peller has said that year 2023 Will be a breakthrough year for Nigeria as a country.

As the world celebrates new year today, a member of the House of Representatives representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Kajola/Iwajowa federal constituency, Honourable Shina Peller, has expressed confidence that 2023 wil be a year of breakthroughs for Nigeria.

Naijanewshub.com.ng reports that Honourable Peller made this known in his new year goodwill message to Nigerians, where he added that generations yet unborn shall be told stories of historic events that would occur in 2023, but that only if the present generation can leverage the golden opportunity the year 2023 presents.

Also, Honourable Peller, who is the senatorial candidate of Accord party for Oyo North in the forthcoming elections, stated that it is civic responsibility of every patriotic Nigerian to make 2023 count by electing competent, patriotic, selfless and innovative leaders across political parties that will ensure a functional system for Nigeria.

The Ayedero of Yorubaland stressed further that with numerous natural and human capital resources available to Nigeria, the country is unarguably destined to be great, but that Nigerians only need to make the resources count.

The message read in full:


“Happy new year fellow Nigerians. We should count it all joy to have witnessed the first day of 2023, for many could not partake of this new dawn.

“The year 2023 presents a golden opportunity for our dear nation. It will be a year of breakthroughs for Nigeria. Generations yet unborn shall be told stories of historic events that would occur – but only if the present generation can make a bold statement.

“As we head to the polls in the coming months, it is our civic responsibility to make 2023 count by electing competent, patriotic, selfless, and innovative leaders across political parties that can deliver a functional system – contributing their quota to a better Nigeria.

“I believe that destiny, opportunity, and time are inextricably linked together. And 2023 presents to us a great opportunity to vote for public officers that can identify with the plight of the people – as the outcome of the polls would determine our collective future.

“With numerous natural and human capital resources available to us, it is not debatable that Nigeria is destined to be great; we only need to make it happen.

“We mustn’t fail to take advantage of this golden opportunity to vote right because if we get it wrong the unborn generations won’t be happy with us.

“It is my greatest hope that we have transparent and credible polls that would reflect the true wishes of Nigerians.

“Once again, Happy New Year to every one of us; I pray that we witness many more of it on earth. Amen!”


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