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Oyo State government has called on its residents to report any case of anthrax and other animal disease in their domain.

The call was made on Friday during a media and stakeholders sensitization at the Oke-Ogun Axis held at Kara Market, Iseyin town.

The Deputy Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Liadi Adeniran, who also doubles as the Chief Veterinary officer of Control Post and Cattle Markets in the state, stressed that the sensitization programme has been taken to several areas of the state to give enough sensitization on the imminence of anthrax disease on the state.

He said, “As at today, there has not been any report of anthrax disease in Oyo state.

“We want to give kudos to his excellency , for his prompt intervention in line with the collaboration with the ministry of Health, Agriculture, so that we give a lot of advice and sensitization to the public. We have been to the central abbatouire, Ibadan, Lam Adeshina International Cattle Market, Akinyele, the Sheep and Goat in Ibadan and quite we have been able to meet with all stakeholders in the cattle market in the state informing them of the disease, how to prevent and know the symptoms in relations to the disease.”

The features of the sensitization engagement according to Dr. Liadi are Professional Outlook on Anthrax, Vaccination, Cure, Prevention, and Proactive steps being taken by Governor Seyi Makinde.

In a brief lecture, State Animal Epidemiologist, Dr. Semiu Akibu explained that the outbreak of anthrax in the neighbouring West African Countries, Ghana, Saotome, reported in some states in the country including Niger, Plateau, Kogi and Lagos has called for urgent attention for a healthy living and continued economic performance of the state.

Dr. Akibu noted that anthrax, being a bacteria disease and airborne could pose threats to pig, sheep, goat, cow and other animal health.

The veterinary expert added that the disease could lead to weakness, fever, difficult breathing, blood oozing, when inhaled or ingested.

In his contribution, Oyo State Animal Disease Survelliance Agent, Irepo , Dr. Tunde Adetola assured cattle rearrers of readiness of the state government to make available vaccines for the prevention of anthrax both for human and animals.

Chairman, Oyo State Butchers Association, Comrade Lateef Adegoke applauded the state government for the sensitization, maintained that there is a stern punishment for any member who may flout the given guideline against the anthrax in the state.

Earlier, Chairman, Oyo State Miyetti Allah Association, Abubakar Ibrahim, represented by Yakubu Bello appreciated proactiveness of the state government in tackling diseases, called on the state residents to promptly inform the concerned authority when animals are found sick.

General Secretary, National Butchers Union of Nigeria, Oyo state chapter, Comrade Olagoke Lateef aka “Apata”, said members have been told to refrain from buying cows that are not certified fit for consumption and allow veterinary doctors to always check any cow before slaughtering warning that severe punishment awaits any member who violate the guidelines.

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