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The Defence Headquarters (DHQ), has said troops of the Armed Forces of Nigeria have killed 974 terrorists, arrested 621 and rescued 466 kidnapped hostages in February.

It also said, it is determined to end terrorism and insecurity across the country and are already taking concrete steps in that direction.

Addressing newsmen at the Defence Headquarters, Abuja on troops operational activities across the country, the Director, Defence Media Operations (DMI), Major General Edward Buba stated that in February 2024, troops neutralized 974 terrorists, arrested 621 of them and rescued 466 kidnapped hostages.

Furthermore, General Buba explained that troops recovered 1,573 assorted weapons, 23,345 assorted ammunitions and denied the oil theft of an estimated sum over N8bn N8,006,996,894.00 only.

He disclosed that, “Troops conducted synchronised strikes between the ground and air forces on terrorist enclaves killing significant number of them.

According to him, “It is possible to say with significant certainty that these strikes have had significant impacted on the terrorist adversely.”

The breakdown for the month of February according to Buba includes “640 AK47 rifles, 248 locally fabricated guns, 93 pump action guns, 168 dane guns, 15,120 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 6,102 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 512 rounds of 9mm and 2,132 live cartridges.

“Others are 8,993,245 litres of stolen crude oil, 1,062,635 litres of illegally refined AGO, 18,950 litres of DPK and 45,950 litres of PMS amongst other item.”

General Buba stressed that, stressing a safer environment for citizens translates to eliminating all threat hindering the safety and security of citizens.

“The focus of the armed forces is to conduct its operations in support of national security interest. Consequently, in February troops recorded significant successes in theatres across the 6 geopolitical zero new of the country.”

Certainly, the DMO said, “If these terrorist groups don’t come to the table in peace. The armed forces will continue to punish them with overwhelming military force. It would be recalled that we recently took delivery of additional air platform to further enhance our lethal capabilities.

“Contrary to the opinion of some, troops are making significant strides and recording notable successes in operations across the country. Though it might not seem so to some, the fact remains remarkable progress is being made.

“For us , creating a safer environment for citizens translates to eliminating all threat hindering the safety and security of citizens.

“Overall, I urge citizens to endure today’s pain for our tomorrow’s gain. We should take solace in knowing that, It is all in a bit to make Nigeria great again. We can all begin in making Nigeria great again, by taking on the Celebrate Nigeria Challenge. I therefore throw open the Celebrate Nigeria Challenge.“




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