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A popular Ibadan preacher, Prophet Timothy Abass Arabambi, the General Overseer of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), Reformation Land, and the Assistant General Evangelist, CAC Nigeria and Oversea has released prophesies for year 2024 amid various predictions preceding the new year.

The man of God also known as ‘Baba Ile Atunse’ (father of Reformation Land), who asserted that God is not happy with the countless avoidable bloodshed in the country as a result of insecurity prophesied that God will visit Nigeria in a sporadic manner in year 2024 urging Nigerians to return back to God in order for the actualization of the restoration of blessing in due time as against attracting his wrath due to unrepentant attitude.

He said these words in his Church while fielding questions from journalists who visited him at the church headquarters located at Reformation Land, Jegede/Olunloyo Axis of Ona-Ara Local Government, Ibadan, the Capital City of Oyo State.

Prophet Arabambi cautioned Nigerians against professing negative words about the nation despite the multidimensional challenges bedeviling the country saying God will use President Bola Tinubu for the expected economic transformation in Nigeria.

He lamented that many Nigerians, despite being a believer do not fully understand the workings of the spirit, noting that Nigerians must avoid the conception of a hopeless situation in their thoughts for the country in order to hasten God’s hands to move which according to the preacher, is set to move across the nation in 2024.

He however, warned that God in most cases deals with individuals based on their faiths and desires of their hearts as against collectively, stressing that only those whose hearts remain genuinely open to God in sobriety would witness God’s movement when it’s time. He maintained that despite the global multidimensional challenges, some countries and people are still prospering.

Going down memory lane on how his journey with God in the vineyard has been filled with ‘ups and downs’ since yielding to the call of God into full time ministry in June, 1986, Prophet Arabambi, who made several inferences to the Holy Bible expressed optimism in a better Nigeria under the present administration of President Tinubu, warning that hopelessness usually precedes suicidal situation which the he said the nation must be wary of.

“There’s nobody that committed suicide before firstly losing hope, so, let’s keep our faith strong in God and hope in President Bola Tinubu. With our hope in God through Jesus Christ, our hope will not become a hopeless one, we just have to pray because the hearts of kings and rulers of this world are in God’s hands and our president can be used by God.

“I’ve told you there’s going to be sporadic change this year but the way God will do it, I don’t know but I know there’s going to be a tremendous change this year, so we must continue to pray for the people in position of authority because that’s what the Bible says. We must equally acknowledge that after God, it’s the government, but there can’t be any government without the knowledge of God.”

“We must also open our minds to the prophesies of the Bible concerning signs of the end time, what’s happening across the world are all signs of the time as contained in Matthew 24 which pointed to what we will see when the time of our Lord Jesus Christ becomes very near to return to this earth to take the righteous home.” He said.

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